The Enemy of Breakfast

I am often called the enemy of breakfast in our house...
it's not that I don't like breakfast I'm just not a fan
of eating in the morning...
give me some coffee...
a small piece of cheese...
and a piece or two of fruit and I'm good till lunch.

Sunday is the one day that I'll make breakfast in the house 
for the two of us...
Andrew likes his eggs scrambled he 
actually prefers them the
this method doesn't happen often because
they take forever...and I mean forever.
I on the other hand am good with a hard boiled egg or
maybe every once in a while I'll do poached.

Grits is a must for breakfast...nothing instant for us..
I want to stir those babies then let them set up to 
get a little firm, add butter, salt & pepper and they 
are ready to eat.

Bread...we can do toast, hard crust bread or biscuits, I'd rather
have biscuits but I still haven't gotten my mothers recipe down.

Now this is where we agree..
I've cooked BACON every way you could think off, I've put
it on the grill, stove top, microwave (ugh) but I think I
have finally found the perfect method..
thanks to Dan Benjamin 
and his BACON Method
it's easy and the BACON comes out perfect..
I did find I needed to adjust the time to get it the way we like
but Dan mentions that on his BACON Method page.
Add a little fruit of your choice...

Breakfast is served..

Until Next Time
Eat More BACON

Kelly Ann

ps:  There is a reason that BACON is always in all capital letters...because it should be a food group that is included in your daily life.


  1. Thanks for the bacon tip...plan to give it a go this morning!

  2. "There is a reason that BACON is always in all capital letters...because it should be a food group that is included in your daily life.", I soooo agree!
    Now, maybe I'll go fry up some of that good stuff, oh wait, I'll "bake it" so it'll be a healthy food, LOL

  3. You are SOOOOO correct!! I live in a place where there is no is one of the most difficult parts of living here..when I travel, I have bacon everyday to try to make up for the months without it! Thanks for making me drowl this morning and for the tips!


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