It wasn't enough for the eastern coast of the US to be hit with a late
hurricane but now another storm is right on top of them. People
in New York, New Jersey and I'm sure further up the coast are
still without electric which means they are without heat.
Quilters are a giving group and at Kelly Ann's Quilting we
routinely have sew-ins and collections for various organizations
in our area but this time I'm putting the call out for our far-flung
collection. Pat mentions our friend Victoria Findlay Wolfe and Victoria's
efforts in collecting not only quilts but store bought blankets.
Here is what Victoria has to say on her blog
SANDY hits our area
has devastated much of our area.
Homemade or Store Bought, ANY SIZE.
Quilts will accepted, and handed out as quickly as they come in.
We have 150 quilts being delivered Thursday or Friday of this week to the Rockaways.
Give Selflessly.
Thank you cards will not be sent out due to the urgency of the events of SANDY.
REAL THANKS: LABEL YOUR QUILTS, Name, address and email.
The person who receives your quilt may want to thank you themselves.
Thank you!
Send Quilts to:
Basic Housing, Inc.
Attn: Robert Gonzalez / H.SANDY
540 East 180th Street,
Bronx, NY 10457
your name, email & address
please mail them with delivery confirmation.
Any questions, Please email:
Lane Falcon
A Note from Victoria:
Super Storm Sandy and my area of the world.
Having missed the entire storm, by being in Houston for Fall Quilt Marke & Festival, I felt helpless as my family were in NYC without me. I started to organize a quilt drive for our area while I was still in Houston.
Once home, I realized how seriously the storm affected my neighborhood, my friends, and fellow New Yorkers, CT, PA and NJ… Homes have been wiped off the face of the earth, people are cold, and wet, and we have rain and snow coming. I need to be able to help NOW.
I just had a call from Raul Russi, Head of the Acacia Network, whom I had previously partnered with on Quilt Drive for homeless families being taken out of shelters and put into transitional housing.
He said, “We have 150-200 quilts here, right now. And since the rest of my families are INSIDE already, can we deliver these quilts in our medical trucks to the people in the Rockaways, NOW?” I said, “YES! Let’s go!”
So if you can help, PLEASE...PLEASE...send something. You may not have time
to make a quilt right now but it doesn't have to be a homemade quilt, they just need blankets to keep them warm.
I will be sending a box up from Kelly Ann's Quilting next week,
if you'd like to drop off a quilt or blanket we'll add it to our box.
Until Next Time
Be Kind
Kelly Ann
Thanks for helping us help - I'm trying to get by there on Friday. Dena