If you've been reading my blog for awhile you know that we have a Charming Strip Club at Kelly Ann's Quilting and we meet once a month. Well two of our members come to entertain...oops I mean they come to show us their talents..oops maybe that was a poor choice of words...anyway, this month, being November, we thought they would show up as turkeys or pilgrims, but nooooo...this is what we got...

Did you that the week of November 1st-7th was National Fig Week? Well neither did we so we were in for a big surprise when one of our talented ladies came dressed in her fig coverings and bringing in a bag of figs to share with everyone...as you may have noticed that when I took the picture I didn't capture her face...guess it'll be a mystery as to who walks around Warrenton Virginia with fig leaves covering her most interesting parts. Now we just have to wonder what they'll be next month...any guesses?
So if you've ever thought about joining one of our clubs you can tell by just this one picture the amount of fun we have...
Have a wonderful rest of your weekend...
I'll be binding a few samples for the store...
just in time for...
Quilters' Quest...
what's that you say...
you've not heard of Quilters' Quest???
stop by the web site and take a peak...
lots of fun will be had by all....
Kelly Ann
Did you that the week of November 1st-7th was National Fig Week? Well neither did we so we were in for a big surprise when one of our talented ladies came dressed in her fig coverings and bringing in a bag of figs to share with everyone...as you may have noticed that when I took the picture I didn't capture her face...guess it'll be a mystery as to who walks around Warrenton Virginia with fig leaves covering her most interesting parts. Now we just have to wonder what they'll be next month...any guesses?
So if you've ever thought about joining one of our clubs you can tell by just this one picture the amount of fun we have...
Have a wonderful rest of your weekend...
I'll be binding a few samples for the store...
just in time for...
Quilters' Quest...
what's that you say...
you've not heard of Quilters' Quest???
stop by the web site and take a peak...
lots of fun will be had by all....
Kelly Ann
ha ha ha! oh man - that is too funny! good thing it wasn't national cherry week cuz cherry leaves are itty bitty!