The last week of summer

We'll it's finally here, the last week of summer, DH wants more summer, more heat, he loves the heat, I'm ready for some nice fall days. I actually like all the seasons, I love summer because I love being in water, lake, pool or whatever has water. I love fall because it has the best show of color, driving home and seeing the colors displayed out in front of me, just like a quilt, now I need to make a fall quilt. I love winter, well maybe not love, but I do like the chilly (notice I didn't say cold) days. I love spring for color is starting to come around again. The problem with all of this is that no one season last long enough and this makes the years fly by.

I'm so excited, I've come up with an idea for an upcoming stash busters class and it involves another Christmas present, wahooo. I love class projects that turn into Christmas presents.

Before I run I need to mention that today is our 13th wedding anniversary, so hugs and kisses to the best man in the world.
Happy Quilting.
