Has anyone seen my Time? Where does it all go? I've read countless articles on setting time aside for things you really want to do, quilting, exercising or gardening but I still have the same question, where do you find this time? I'm still not done with the flip-flop quilt and my flower beds are only half weeded and now I need to get my act together and get ready for our upcoming trip to San Antonio for the Husqvarna Viking Convention. Okay, I'll admit I'm really excited about the trip, the new machine coming out is going to be so cool but the trip is more then that, it's getting away. While it's not a vacation because if there is one thing that you don't do when you're dealing with Husqvarna Viking is rest but it's going to be different then my everyday running of a quilt shop. Speaking of running a quilt shop, I've hired another person and have been doing most of the training myself, maybe that's where my time is going. It's an exciting time at the store with lots of changes and new stuff coming in, again, maybe that's where my time is going.
Another blog coming soon, I'm into something really cool, reading a book and learning more....I'll share later...
happy quilting
Another blog coming soon, I'm into something really cool, reading a book and learning more....I'll share later...
happy quilting
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