The TNB Christmas Party

Welcome to the TNB Christmas Party...what you ask is the TNB? It's the bee I'm in...again, you ask was is TNB? Tuesday Night Bee...duh! We tried to come up with a clever name and we had a really cute one but it didn't stick because we kept saying are you coming to the Tuesday Night guess that's what we're meant to be called. Barbara was very gracious in opening her beautiful home to us and as well as sharing her great cooking skills. Look at this beautiful table she decorated...just for us...

Don't mind the red cheeks on me and we are not's what happens when you get this group of ladies together and there's laughter and bourbon slushies involved.
Here's Barbara slaving away at the store, what you don't see in this picture is her bourbon slush...
Caught Angela with her slush...she's thinking these things are yummy...
See the bowl on the table, that's those famous bourbon slushies...and Charlene is going in for a refill...
I played with this picture in Picasa...Jackie & Irma in deep discussion, it was too serious a shot not to doctor it up.
Here's Kim & Nook...even though Kim looks like she swallowed a mouse, nope and it wasn't those bourbon slushies, she's our DD drinking Diet Coke...but Nook, can you spot her over the candle? Yep...she's hiding her glass of bourbon slush...

We had a great party...we laughed so hard our sides still hurt. We did the big reveal of our round robin but I'll save those pictures for the next post...and you don't want to miss that one.

If you have a group of gals you get together with and are looking for a name...sorry...TNB is already taken, trade-marked and we're taking this show on the road soon...o'who am I kidding we couldn't take this show on the road with all those bourbon slushies we might end up in Jail and I don't think Kim has enough money to bail all of us go ahead and use TNB if you want, we'd be flattered...and you know what they say, flattery will get you everywhere...

have a great day...
stay warm...
stay safe...
stay hip....
next time...
Kelly Ann


  1. Sooooo tell me more. Sounds like my kind of party.. I get red cheeks at my parties too. What is it about a party and a red cheek?


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